Feature #377
closedClickable relationships and display of the related areas in the inventory area
Start date:
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% Done:
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Description of the situation:
We repaired something and "used up" the parts inside the ticket. Now the component used has failed and we would like to send it in for warranty repairs. Now I can see which articles were required, but I am missing the cross-reference to the corresponding delivery or supplier invoice.
It would be great if you could click your way in both directions from each area, ie "Spent Time", "Article", as well as "Delivery" and Supplier Invoice ", and thus exactly the path of the article from delivery via the warehouse to Usage in issue can be tracked.
Updated by Arun T over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by amutha a over 3 years ago
- File ERPmine-4 4.png ERPmine-4 4.png added
- File Screenshot ERPmine-4 4.png Screenshot ERPmine-4 4.png added
This change added 4.4. 4.4 is released, please take a look.