ERPmine » History » Revision 109
Revision 108 (amutha a, 05/26/2021 09:36 AM) → Revision 109/117 (amutha a, 06/03/2021 03:19 PM)
{{include(Announcements)}} h1. ERPmine !erpmine.jpg! ERPmine is a free open source ERP for Service Industries. This ERP can be used by Companies which work on client projects and bill them based on the work completed. Examples are Call centres, BPO, IT Consulting companies, Construction Companies etc,. It runs on "Redmine": . Following are the modules; h1. Modules * [[Time_and_Expense|Time and Expense]] * [[Attendance]] * [[Payroll]] * [[CRM]] * [[Billing]] * [[Purchasing]] * [[Inventory]] * [[Accounting]] * "Project Management": {{video(, 32%, 200px)}} {{video(, 32%, 200px)}} {{video(, 32%, 200px)}} h1. [[Resources]] # "Overview": # "User Guide": # "Scheduling Shifts": [[Resources|more.....]] h1. Current Release The current release can be downloaded from [[Download|Downloads Page]] or "Github": h1. [[Plugins]] # "Resident Management": Resident Plugin can be used in place where we are managing residents like Vacation homes, Apartment Leasing Companies, Senior Living Homes etc. h1. Test / Sandbox A "Test / Sandbox": environment is available for ERPmine, please feel free to use it to check out the features. h1. [[Who_Uses_ERPmine|Who Uses ERPmine]] here is the [[Who_Uses_ERPmine|list]] of some of the companies using ERPmine h1. "Adhi Software": ERPmine is wholly funded by "Adhi Software": Please feel free to "contact": Adhi Software for any assistance with * Customization * Support * Hosting Adhi Software 12/B-35, 6th Cross Road SIPCOT IT Park, Siruseri Kancheepuram Dist Tamilnadu - 603103 India Phone: +91 44 27470401 email: {{include(Announcements)}}