# 4.1 * Bug #79: public holiday for blank location * Feature #151: Attachment for time and expense * Feature #171: Individual approvers per project for timesheets * Bug #184: Remove enter issue as ID/subject * Feature #189: Add logo to location * Feature #190: PDF for list pages * Feature #191: PDF for detail page * Feature #192: Notifications for additional emails * Bug #196: Asset Chart starts with 0 * Bug #197: Remove - Enforce Max hour per day * Bug #205: Survey response alignment issue * Feature #214: Show Map for CRM activity * Bug #215: Show on map checkbox not saved in session * Bug #218: Error in receive leave notifaction Permission * Feature #219: Map for Assets * Feature #223: Add Leave request should be in separate tab * Feature #226: Add reviewer comment text area in edit leave request. * Feature #236: Me, My direct report, My reports radio should be in single row. * Feature #237: Need email notification feature for CRM module * Bug #239: Asset report is showing for non privileged users * Feature #241: Approver workflow only for approvers * Bug #242: Need date range in asset report * Feature #248: Currency is always $