Feature #419
openSame product/model for item and asset - make it switchable
I'm currently feeding my new system - it strikes me that I'm purchasing some items for personal use (asset) and sometimes for immediate resale (item). So I have to create the models twice - for this I also have to create the product twice (asset/inventory). It also happens that I first resell a used asset - so I have to convert it from an asset to an item - currently I would first have to dispose of the asset and then create it as an item again
My idea:
My idea:
- For a product, it is either irrelevant whether it is an item or an asset, or both can be selected - this would then of course be the same with the model.
- It should only be decided upon receipt whether it will be an item or an asset
- and it should be transferrable between both species
- However, any components would have to be transferred as well
What do you think about that?